Friends of the Yampa has finished its discussion about the proposed West Fork of the Battle Creek Reservoir in Wyoming. The reservoir is slated to be built in the Little Snake River watershed, thus is of interest to the Yampa River Basin. Friends of the Yampa board and staff are following every step of the process. If you have any questions or comments, please email
Read the Friends of the Yampa Board public comment letter HERE.
Read more
Federal Register: Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the West Fork Battle Creek Watershed Plan, Carbon County, Wyoming
U.S. Forest Service: Forest Service receives land exchange proposal for suggested West Fork Battle Creek Reservoir
U.S. Forest Service: West Fork Battle Creek watershed plan
Wyoming Water Development Office, October 2017: Little Snake River Supplemental Storage Level II Phase II Study Report
Wyoming Water Development Office, December 2012: Project Report Little Snake River Supplemental Storage Level II Phase II Study
In the news
01.25.24, Memo: West Fork Dam ‘does not align well’ with federal policy
04.11.23, WyoFile: Game & Fish: West Fork Dam would cause ‘substantial negative impacts’
03.09.23, WyoFile: 96% of West Fork Dam comments oppose project
01.20.23, WyoFile: Feds eye $20M for embattled dam as public demands answers
01.03.23, Craig Press: Presentation concerning proposed reservoir in southern Wyoming coming Jan. 10 to Craig
01.13.23, Steamboat Pilot & Today: Details, fears emerge during Northwest Colorado forum concerning proposed reservoir in southern Wyoming
01.08.23, WyoFile: Plans for 264-foot dam above Little Snake River spur conflict
12.30.22, WyoFile: Feds set deadline for West Fork Dam comments
12.28.22, WyoFile: Wyo seeks 6,282-acre land swap for new Colorado River Basin dam
03.23.21, WyoFile: Grant advances stalled plans for 280-foot-high dam
06.15.18, Oil City News: Conflict looms as Wyoming seeks more Green River water
03.13.18, WyoFile: West Fork Dam kept alive with $4.7 million
02.27.18, WyoFile: Fight for $80M dam boils as House strips funds
01.09.18, WyoFile: $73 million in public benefits said to justify dam
07.15.15, The Saratoga Sun: Savery Creek at second glance
Wyoming Public Media: West Fork Dam
Photo credit: Little Snake River, Cody Perry